Friday, January 28, 2011

A Box of Potential

 There's 17 Barbies and 1 Ken in that there box! A box of potential is what I see. I'll finally get around to making my Geisha, there's a Midge and a redhead Barbie in there, lots of blonds. I have a redhead baby, so there's another breastfeeding pair!

  Apey is supposed to come over today for a playdate! So I'll be sharing some of these with her. I've already promised her some of the Miko's. hehe


  There's another Barbie I have that I'm super excited to work with! I got her in a different lot, in pretty rough shape. She still had her dress on and I recognized her as Barbie in/as the 12 Dancing Princesses.

  In her glory, she looked like this. She was not in her glory when she arrived to my house. I believe the only reason she was still dressed is because the skirt was attached. As with most/all the Barbies I get with clothes on, I strip them, put their clothes in my storage box and the naked Barbies in another tub until I need them. Sometimes I use the clothes on my dolls, sometimes I use the clothes as guides to make my own, but usually I free style their outfits.

  Anyway, so while investigating this Barbie, I found lots of cool wires coming from her and went to work with some wire cutters, seem ripper and plyers to release her from her skirt. When I was done, she looked like this...

Oooh the potential! I replaced her batteries and she still works! There's a button on the back of her legs that makes the pink thing around her waist spin (the skirt was attached to this) and the ends light up.
  She has great arms and hands for all kinds of poses!

Do you SEE how AMAZING she is? I don't even know what to do with her yet, but she's lots of fun to play with! Everyone's been pushing her button and watching the wires fly around and light up. It's pretty cool!

  I tried to get some pix of the whirling lights, but it just looks like light blurs. lol I got a new camera! (which I'm still trying to figure out how to use...) I keep picking her up, playing with her lights a bit, then putting her down. I don't know what to do with her yet and don't want to do something I hate. I guess for now I'll just keep playing with her until she talks to me. Ultimately, it's always the doll that leads the way. I just listen and follow.

  This is probably the least articulate blog post I've ever made. I've been sick and only had 1 cup of coffee this morning. heh

- Joy -

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