Saturday, August 28, 2010

The new girl in town

So I haven't quite figured this all out yet, but I figured I should introduce myself. My name is Joy, I'm 30 and live in Michigan with my wonderful husband and 3 lovely children. I started this crazy Barbie Bishes thing that seems to be happening.

I've always altered my own clothes and altered my own Barbies as a child. Suzi Retro is one of my oldest. She's had her mohawk since about 1989. I just gave her a bit of a make over recently.  

I also collect Barbies. I have lots still in boxes and some that are meant to be in boxes, but the years were not so kind to those boxes. These lovely ladies live in my china cabinet. I'm a collector, respecter and artist. I started arted them again recently when I went a little craycray and needed some therapy. Let me tell you, it's amazing therapy. There's a little piece of me in every one. Some I make for me, for keeps. For thoughts, feelings, emotions I can't express. Some I make because I think they'd just be cool.

I usually have about 3-4 going at once. Get frustrated at one, move on to another. Or get an idea that doesn't apply to whoever I happen to be working on. I love it. I have a deep love for Barbie that started in childhood and has just never left. I express it in many ways, as you can see.

I guess that's it for an intro. We'll see what's up next! :o)

 - Joy -

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